It was a party that started it all.
The Stop The Clock Design journey began at Manchester Met University’s freshers fair circa 2005. Armed with cheap booze & a positive attitude, we embarked on a night of laughter, rowdiness and chaos that made us both realise how much cooler the other one was. Through thick and thin, we have since remained as close as Thelma and Louise. Just without the robbing.

How super noodles helped us bond.
As dedicated course mates & housemates, it was the humble super noodle bonding that revealed our mutual love for all things creative.
As consumption increased a question arose.
What if, when we were all grown up, we combined creative forces? Maybe we could afford to progress to spaghetti…and a nice bottle of sauvignon. The possibilities were endless.

Stop The Clock Design.
After studying textiles together, we decided to go in to business, working from a shed, selling our own print work and greeting cards at local fairs. People seemed to like what we were making and it was at this point we realised that we had something we could really run with.
We created Stop the Clock in 2008 which gave us the perfect opportunity to take all of our goofy passions (dogs in hats being the big one) to create a brand that brings laughter, colour and a quirkiness that’s easy to find when you design sat next to your weird best mate.

How we’ve grown!
We were now officially grown up. A terrifying thought. Stop The Clock Design now has it’s very own converted pub (yes, we kept the bar!) as our lovely office. Our cards are stocked in hundreds of retailers, are enjoyed around the world and we’ve even scooped up a few awards for our cards along the way. We are always designing new things. We can’t stop…